EXIF library (libexif) Internals  0.6.24
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 exif-byte-order.hDefines the ExifByteOrder enum and the associated functions
 exif-content.hHandling EXIF IFDs
 exif-data.hDefines the ExifData type and the associated functions
 exif-entry.hHandling EXIF entries
 exif-format.hHandling native EXIF data types
 exif-gps-ifd.cInfo about GPS tags
 exif-gps-ifd.hInfo about GPS tags
 exif-loader.hDefines the ExifLoader type
 exif-log.hLog message infrastructure
 exif-mem.hDefine the ExifMem data type and the associated functions
 exif-mnote-data.hHandling EXIF MakerNote tags
 exif-system.hSystem specific definitions, not for installation!
 exif-tag.hHandling EXIF tags
 exif-utils.hEXIF data manipulation functions and types
 test-extract.cExtract EXIF data from a file and write it to another file
 test-integers.cCheck assumptions about integer types (sizes, ranges)
 test-null.cPass NULL values into libexif APIs and ensure it doesn't crash
 test-parse-from-data.cCompletely parse all files given on the command line
 test-parse.cCompletely parse all files given on the command line

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